We offer 2 FREE Sessions so that new clients can experience what it’s all about! That’s how much we believe in OsteoStrong. That means you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. NO RISK!!!
“2” FREE Sessions―Plus, a FREE Osteoporosis Screening & a FREE Balance/Posture Test.
Although this technology has been around for awhile, and has proven results, it is just now being presented to the general public. We are proud to offer the OsteoStrong experience to you.
Do you ever wish that by doing something for 15 minutes you could drastically improve your overall health? It’s a 15 minute, come as you are and not even break a sweat answer!
OsteoStrong is a non-pharmaceutical once a week solution. It is based on the principles of osteogenic loading, which is a brief, intense set of resistance exercises that can bolster bone density, prevent fractures, strengthen tissue, muscle and improve balance. Based on Wolf’s Law―brief pressure through acute activity triggers the body’s natural response to rebuild bone and muscle.
OsteoStrong clients range from ages 8 to 92 and represent everyone from extreme athletes looking for that edge, to seniors suffering from loss of strength, balance, arthritis or painful bone loss. We help people with osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, type II diabetes, and patients going through cancer treatments. It also helps with stroke recovery, Parkinson’s, and those dealing with back and joint pain.
The process is Fast and Simple―the results amazing! A certified trainer walks you through a vibration therapy, then onto the BioDensity System―based on science and research―it triggers your adaptive response to rebuild bone and muscle tissue just like when you were a teenager. You finish up with a Hydro-massage and a strength report of your progress.
Regardless of your age or fitness level, you can benefit from OsteoStrong. Stop in or give us a call to schedule your first FREE visit.