Dr. Malhotra is board certified to practice facial plastic surgery with 19 years experience in cosmetic surgery and anti-aging skin care. She is the founder and medical director of The Enhanced Image Center, The Cleveland Area’s premier medical facility for Cosmetic Enhancement since 1998. She is frequently approached by the news media as an expert in her field.

Don’t hide your legs or your arms this summer!
Polish your summer look with Evolve Tite to tighten skin and treat cellulite, Evolve Trim to smooth away fat bulges and Evolve tone to define your muscles.
Finish your weight-loss journey with Evolve.
Losing weight isn’t easy. That’s why those last few pounds keeping you from your goal weight can be so frustrating. If you’ve worked hard making healthy lifestyle changes, but you just can’t get rid of the last pound or two, don’t give up.

At Enhanced Image Center, Dr Ritu Malhotra and staff of trained professionals are proud to offer the latest in body contouring technology with Evolve by InMode.
It’s time to find out more about Evolve body contouring if you need a little help finishing off your weight-loss journey. Call our office or request a consultation online today.
How noninvasive contouring can help you achieve your goal body.
Many people struggle with stubborn fat in certain areas of the body. If you’re self-conscious about extra fat or lax skin on your belly, buttocks, or love handles, you’re not alone.
Losing weight in specific areas can be hard, and targeted exercises can only do so much. Noninvasive body contouring can help. Evolve by InMode is a completely customizable hands-free body contouring device that harnesses the power of radio frequency to destroy fat cells and tighten skin.
Evolve’s noninvasive technology tightens skin to reduce the look of texture irregularities and cellulite. Losing weight can make skin look dimpled or puckered, and body contouring can deliver a natural, firmer look to skin.
What to expect with Evolve treatment at Enhanced Image Center.
Evolve works well for men and women who are close to their ideal weight but who are struggling to lose those last few pounds. It’s safe and effective for all skin types and skin tones.
We offer personalized treatment recommendations for every patient, customizing your body contouring plan to meet your aesthetic goals. Typically, we recommend a series of 6-8 treatment sessions for best results.
Each session takes just 30-60 minutes, depending on your treatment area. It’s quick and painless, and some patients even come in for their procedures during lunchtime.
At Enhanced Image center, patient comfort is our top priority. Many patients who receive Evolve treatment say it feels warm but remains comfy, like a hot stone massage. Our team can make adjustments at any time during your treatment to help keep you as comfortable as possible.
There’s no downtime with Evolve noninvasive body contouring. Your skin in the treated area may be warm or red immediately following the procedure, but any side effects should fade within a few hours.

As you continue your Evolve body contouring sessions, you’ll notice improvements to the tone and texture of your skin. Body contouring can help you add that finishing touch and help give you the body you’ve always wanted.
Why is the product unlike anything else on the market?
Eliminate the fat overlying the muscles while also increasing the muscle density. Evolve is the first, revolutionary, all-in-one platform that draws on 3 different technologies to remodel skin, target fat tissue and tone muscles. Our Board-Certified Dermatologists are able to provide simultaneous treatments on multiple areas of concern.

Evolve Tite: Radio-frequency energy is scientifically proven to remodel skin and improve its appearance. The 8 hands-free applicators deliver uniform and volumetric heating to the skin & sub-dermal layer, to provide customized pain-free skin remodeling.
Evolve Trim: 6 hands-free applicators deliver Radio-Frequency (RF) energy and a tissue vacuum. The patented technology delivers a uniform thermal effect to the deepest layers of subcutaneous fat to provide ideal body contouring.
Evolve Tone: works by emitting electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to simulate involuntary muscle contractions. Tone’s 4 hands-free applicators target specific muscle groups to refine the appearance and strength of the muscle.
It is true you can look better now for this week, this month, this season, without any downtime!!!