What if I told you that there is a way to:
- Feel deeply relaxed
- Reduce your stress level, aches and pains
- Enhance your body’s natural way to promote healing
- Provide a sense of calm to your wellbeing
What is it? The answer is Reiki, (RAY-KEY), a simple, yet powerful word and practice.
The word “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy) and means “wisdom or the higher power and spiritually guided life force energy.” It is a type of energy healing modality that targets the energy fields around the body.
Reiki practice has been around for thousands of years. The practice spread to the U.S. through Hawaii in the 1940s, and then to Europe in the 1980s.
In my quest to figure out what was going on with my body that no doctor could explain, I started to research energy healing techniques. Besides acupuncture, a Chinese medicine that brings energy back into proper balance, I came across Reiki.
The best description of Reiki I’ve heard is “Reiki is to the energy body what massage and stretch are to the physical body. It is expansive, relaxing, healing and rejuvenating all at the same time.
…lasts for 50 minutes (or longer). I have my client lie on a massage table fully clothed, minus
shoes and glasses. I play relaxing meditation music and dim lights to create a quiet and safe
space. Before the session, I may discuss any of your thoughts or concerns. You can choose to
talk or ask questions during the session or relax and remain silent, meditate, or even nap.
I begin by working above your body and lightly place my hands on various body parts and “feel” for places where the energy is stagnant, or deficient. I may work with chakras, acupuncture meridian lines or areas that I am drawn to. I can feel heat, cold or a tingling sensation in my hands, which indicates to me that there is some type of block or stagnation of energy. I also utilize crystals and sound to help with the healing process.
While in a meditative “like” state, I receive impressions about an area or areas of a person’s life that may be in need of attention. To correct the imbalance, my hands are held in a particular area until all blockages, and stagnation has been reached or eliminated.
Once the session is completed, my clients feel very relaxed, balanced and lighter. This now
allows the individual to begin making the necessary changes and shifts in awareness towards a
more positive life experience.
The best part about Reiki, the benefits:
- Deep relaxation improves mood and emotional well-being
- Enhances sleep and lessens insomnia
- Calms the mind, relaxes the body and reduces stress
- Reduces aches and pain
- Helps remove toxins from the body
Reiki has a cumulative effect, so when you treat yourself to regular sessions, better health and well-being are natural outcomes.
…a Reiki prayer to help guide your journey towards total wellness. ~ Carol
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful for all of my blessings.
Just for today, I will work with honesty and integrity.
Just for today, I will be kind to all living beings.
To schedule a session or should you have any questions,