Dr Malhotra is board certified and has 20 years experience in cosmetic surgery. One of her specialties is non- invasive and minimally invasive body contouring procedures. She is the founder and medical director of the Enhanced Image Center serving the greater Cleveland area since 1998.
She is frequently approached by the news media as an expert in her field. She embraces new technologies and techniques and participates in training other physicians across the country to optimize treatment results.
Minimally invasive options for Stubborn Fat
Minimally invasive treatments target and eliminate stubborn fat from problem areas, including abdomen, love handles, bra fat, back fat, saddle bags, chin/neck and more…
Minimally invasive: SmartLipo is an office procedure that requires a driver, up to 2 days downtime, single procedure―removes at least 70% of fat.
Achieve your desired shape …
Without General anesthetic
With minimal downtime
With minimal pain
SmartLipo: Minimally Invasive Laser Body Sculpting in the office removes 70% (or more) of the fat in the treated area. This option is great for those that want body contouring without General Anesthesia.
How does it work?
Using 1 mm cannula (or tube) inserted under the skin with a laser fiber within it that delivers energy to fat cells causing them to rupture and drain away as liquid. The use of the laser also tightens the skin in the area. This is permanent fat removal.

Who is a good candidate for Smartlipo? Healthy Adults who are not significantly overweight but have accumulated fat deposits.
If you call us with your height and weight, we can tell you if you are a candidate for this type of procedure.
When will I see results? Results can be seen within a week, with continued improvement over three to six months. Our before and after pictures are taken at 6-8 weeks.
What should I expect after a treatment? Some light bruising and swelling. You will be required to wear a compression garment 24/7 for 2 weeks to help with the healing.
How long before I can resume normal activities? You will be able to return to normal activities within a day or two. AND return to 25% of your workout routine in 5 days.
What are areas or zones for Smartlipo? Upper Abdomen (above the belly button), Lower abdomen (below the belly button down to pubic hairline), Waist (starting at the waist crease line when you bend sideways) – both sides are one area. Back bra rolls (above waist crease line) – both sides are one area
What is the usual pricing for Smartlipo? The usual pricing for the areas to be done with Smartlipo is according to BMI (Basal Metabolic Index). BMI can be determined online by putting in your height and weight into a formula or on a grid. Once you determine your BMI, you can get a price per area. You multiply the price per area times the number of areas and then add $1995 for a surgical fee and you have your total price.
How is it done? SmartLipo is laser assisted Liposuction and is gentler and kinder to your tissues. Local anesthetic is used along with a comfort cocktail for relaxation. You will experience less pain, less bruising and swelling and have a faster, easier recovery period.