Nancy Rattray , BCND, CNHP
Nancy is a Doctor of Naturopathy and dedicates her life to educating clients in holistic and natural health. Her own recovery from cancer in 2006 has inspired her to help others regain their health through non-invasive and effective therapies and products. Nancy holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Bowling Green State University, graduate of Trinity School of Natural Health and Board Certification as a Doctor of Naturopathy from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. She offers clients cutting edge integrative therapies through the use of Young Living™ Essential Oils, Biomat™ thermo-therapy, Raindrop Technique™, Reflexology, and educational workshops on holistic health.
Stay Healthy this Winter!
The Immune system is the body’s defense mechanism. Keeping your immune system healthy and supported by Essential oils may help “keep the germs away.”
Essential Oils can distinguish between the good and bad bacteria and do not have unwanted side effects.
Approximately 70-80% of our immune system is in our gut. A strong defense of good gut bacteria acts like an army against foreign invaders. LIFE 5 is a high potency probiotic that has 10 billion beneficial cultures to assist in maintaining normal immune function.
Also, Diffusing Young Living ™therapeutic grade essential oils may help to keep your respiratory system healthy and reduce bacteria and mold from your environment.
Diffuser Blend: Immune Boost
4 drops Orange Vitality Essential Oil
4 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
2 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitality Essential Oil
Thieves Vitality Essential Oil: this powerful blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary may support healthy immune function and contribute to overall wellness when taken as a dietary supplement
Ningxia Red is a cornerstone in supporting immune function. The wolfberry ( main ingredient) has 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals that are essential in promoting optimal immune function. The Ningxia wolfberry is rich in zinc and 3 times higher vitamin C than oranges, both of which are vital nutrients in helping maintain a strong immune system.
When having occasional throat discomfort, I use Thieves Spray or add Thieves Vitality oil to water, gargle then swallow. Then I feel much better. Bobbi B
I was a mess when I came to Nancy, and through her breadth of knowledge of YL essential oils, and natural medicine, I am on the path to health and wellness. Her kindness and deep concern as well as her personal recommendations for my healing keeps me coming back. Sandy M
For Pricing and Ordering:
Oct 17 Mon: Intro to Essential Oils
Nov 1 Tues: Healthy Bones
Nov 7 Mon: Intro to Essential Oils
Dec 6 Tues: SPECIAL PRESENTATION – Essential Oils of the Bible
All workshops 7pm–9pm
Class Reservations Requested or 440-343-9921
Nancy’s Healing Garden Training Center
7465 Jasani Ct. Mentor 44060