by Jaime Brenkus, ACSM Exercise Physiologist

Jaime Brenkus has helped millions
with his 8 MINUTE ABS videos,
and appeared on the Dr. Oz show.
Success in life isn’t a matter of inches or pounds―success is when you start taking your first steps towards a reachable goal, and even though it is sometimes difficult, you stick with it.
If your goal this year is to get in shape…you’re in good hands…let us show you the way. Anything worthwhile takes time…it’s not going to be easy…but it’s going to be worth it.
Over the years of training, I’ve seen far too many great people give up because they simply couldn’t see how terrific they were progressing. It’s like planting a garden and digging up the seeds every day to see how much they’ve grown. You have to give the seeds time to sprout before they can grow.
You have to make a long term a commitment to your health, and there will be success!
The beautiful thing about life is that you can change. You aren’t defined by your past or your mistakes. What happened yesterday no longer matters, it’s gone. And tomorrow has not happened yet. “Now” is all what matters, that why they call the “present,” it’s a gift!
Don’t look backward. Don’t look forward. Live NOW! Live lean one day at a time the best you can―the lean way―you’ll gain the positive motivation to make tomorrow even better. Today is the most important day of your life. You’re planting a seed in your healthy garden.
No goal is ever achieved until it finds its way into your daily thoughts and actions―then it becomes a part of you.
Today is your day to start fresh—one salad won’t make you healthy and one workout won’t make you fit. But, with each one your body is changing from the inside out. The visible results show up over time, like building a home. And unless you continue to show up, your home doesn’t get built. So be proud and do the things today that move you closer to your goal.
Success comes from being honest with yourself. Short cuts and trickery compromise your integrity. Honesty and integrity form the foundation of success.
You can reach your goals by focusing on the 3-C’s in life (Choice ♦ Chance ♦ Change). You must make the choice to take the chance if you want to change. The right choice gives you a chance to change. Choose to be healthy and lean, and it can empower you (change) with possibility (chance). Good health is a choice. You never fail as long as you continue to try.
Fitness is not a destination. It’s not a goal that you can check off your list. It’s not a sprint to the finish. It’s not a lifestyle or a fad. It’s more than a way of life. Fitness is a way to LIVE.