By Sandra O’Conner, Howard Hanna
How many times I see those words during the day in my own home—in a spot that I travel frequently…never really stopping to reflect on them.
Home means many things—it is a place where loved ones gather, are nourished and grow. It is a place that we support by paying the mortgage and the bills, and devoting time to care for it.
The only constant is about home is that it changes.
A job change forces a relocation we never saw coming. Loved ones pass away. Sometimes without our permission, spouses leave to start a new life, or children grow up, and start lives of their own. Or, adult children return home, a common scenario these days.
We were all struck with horror when tragedy hits, and images of homes being washed away, burned, or destroyed—filled our television screens.
During this time of renewal and the start of a new year, take the time to nourish yourself. The resources in this Health and Wellness issue can provide just the inspiration and rejuvenation you may need—physically, spiritually, financially, in your personal life, family life and in your business life. Take the time to get to know the contributors to this magazine—they are an amazing group of professionals.